Impulse / Surge Tester
The best solution for coils testing
Coils are used widely. They are used on transformer, motor, generator, relay, solenoid, filter and
different inductances. That is why the quality of coils is very important for all manufacturers.
High voltage non-destructive analysis of winding identifies difficult to detect
manufacturing faults
They are a number of parameters that can not change during manufactre that may affect the
performance of a winding. These paramenters, which cannot always be measured with an LCR
Meter, include change in material as well as shorted and damaged windings. The 7700 series
instruments use a very high voltage impulse to stimulate the device under test (DUT). It analyzes
the decay waveform to detect changes in material, shorted and damaged windings and other
errors. Long term decay of a winding can also be detected. The system used ensures that the
component is tested but not damaged during the analysis process. The shape of the waveform
is dictated by Q factor, Inductance and stray capacitance of the winding. Hing Q shows as
a slow decay and the frequency of the waveform is determined by the inductance and stray
capacitance of the DUT.
Key Features
- Ultra High 10000V Testing Voltage
- Non - Destructive Analysis of Winding
- Chinese / English Language Version
- Full Programming Sequence Test
- Versatile I / O Ports for Application
- Test Statistics & Print Function
- Multi-channel Test Capability
- Full Graphic Comparison